martim afonso chichorro造句


  1. His parents were Martim Afonso Chichorro II and Aldon鏰 Anes de Briteiros.
  2. Born in Portugal, he was the son of Martim Afonso Chichorro and In阺 Louren鏾 de Valadares.
  3. Jo鉶 was born in Portugal, son of Martim Louren鏾 da Cunha and Maria Gon鏰lves de Briteiros, maternal granddaughter of Martim Afonso Chichorro.
  4. Martim Afonso and his wife had five children Martim Afonso Chichorro II, Maria Afonso Chichorro ( 1280-1379 ), Constan鏰, Margarida, and Vasco Afonso de Sousa.
  5. It's difficult to find martim afonso chichorro in a sentence. 用martim afonso chichorro造句挺难的


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  5. "martim"造句
  6. "martim afonso chichorro ii"造句
  7. "martim afonso de brito"造句
  8. "martim afonso de castro"造句
  9. "martim afonso de melo"造句
  10. "martim afonso de sousa"造句

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